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Before You Go...
Trying to Be Everything to Everyone, and Learn the Power of a Focused
quick-read, step-by-step plan gives you all the everything you need to
know to get your own niche website up and running in as little as a
day. It covers things
your current site - our six-point checklist will help you quickly
identify your biggest mistakes.
Eight regulatory commissions you need to know
- so your mobile campaign doesn't end up in the SPAM file!
Hidden dangers to watch for - including fees your customers
could incurr just by opting in to your mobile marketing plan.
Tips for encouraging mobile customers to
participate in your
marketing - engage and interact with your customers and
come back again and again.
Handy site-testing advice - including two websites that will help you
quickly find the problems your mobile users encounter on your
You'll also quickly learn these valuable business
How to take advantage of modern devices - Newer phones automatically
render your site in a mobile-friendly manner, but does it preserve your
accepted web practices are a big mistake when it comes to mobile - and
how you can keep your mobile AND static customers happy.
Where to go for more advanced help - and how to learn the best
practices of mobile marketing from the very group that
web standards for the world.